Water pollution is a major problem that the world has been dealing with for so long. Sadly, with the continuous developments in industrialisation and the explosive growth of the world’s population, the water resources continue to be polluted — but at a higher rate this time.
The contamination of the bodies of water poses health risks not only to mankind but also to the wildlife that depend on clean water for survival. This leads to more waterborne diseases and other pollution-related issues to slowly balloon in severity.
While this is indeed an overwhelming issue, there are things you can do in your daily routine to reduce water pollution and protect your family. A smart way to go about this is to start doing it in your home!
To help out with this concern, here are five tips you can do to prevent water pollution in your own home:

1. Check Your Pipes
If you’re connected to city water, it’s a great idea to start inspecting your pipes, as these are where water passes through to get to your home. If you have been noticing discolouration or a funny taste in your tap water, these are most likely indications of corrosion in your pipes.
As soon as you see signs of rusting or leaks, you should call professionals right away so that they can work on repairs and replacements.

2. Check Your Well System
For well waters, you should start by testing samples for contaminants. If there are no problems with contamination, the next thing you can investigate is if there are other issues, such as leaks or chemical imbalances.
Moreover, you should also inspect the well’s pump and well casing. Sometimes, cracks or leaks in the casing cause dirt and other sediments to mix with your water, therefore contaminating it. Again, it’s best to leave fixes and repairs for this in the hands of a professional.

3. Install a Whole-house Filter
Aside from ensuring that your water sources and pipes are in good condition, it won’t hurt to add an extra layer of protection by installing whole-house filters. Basically, these purifiers are installed on your main water supply line to filter all the water that you use inside the house, including what you use for your showers and laundry.

4. Install Water Filtration Systems
Having these systems can help remove impurities further while improving the taste of your water. What’s even better is that these can work well regardless of whether you’re on city or well water. However, you will have to find the right water filtration system for your household to improve your home’s water quality properly.

5. Use Water Filter Jugs
If you or your family members love going on overnight trips, using water filter jugs can help you keep your water clean and safe to drink, no matter where you are. Bringing large containers of water filtered from your home’s filtration system isn’t always the most convenient thing to do.
Making sure that you have water filter jugs for daily clean drinking water is a smart way to pack light and enjoy the trip without any worries.

Water pollution gives rise to various health problems and other pollution-related issues. While this has been a long-term concern, the good news is that you can protect your family and ensure that they only drink pure and clean water, even in your own small ways.
Looking for eco-friendly water filter jugs and water filters? We’ve got what you’re looking for, and so much more! At Ecobud, we’re dedicated to making the world a cleaner and healthier place with our innovative filtration systems. Shop online today to get started on natural healthy living!