In light of the current situation we’re all in, taking care of your health is more important than ever. One aspect surrounding this that you should not overlook is the quality of your drinking water. As not only will proper hydration make you less likely to get sick, pathogens in your water can pose a serious threat.
To help you gain more control over this, we’ll walk you through one potential risk that you should be careful with. More specifically, we’ll discuss the threat posed by bacteria that might be present in your drinking water and what you can do to protect yourself from it.
Before anything else, however, here are a few reminders:

Important Note on COVID-19
The disease known as COVID-19 is a viral infection, which means it isn’t caused by bacteria. However, a bacterial infection in your body could potentially compromise your immune system, making you more susceptible to contract the deadly disease.
As such, we believe that it’s important for you to ensure that you’re drinking the healthiest type of water so that you can help prevent it infecting you and those who are close to you.

How to Purify Your Drinking Water
The presence of bacteria in your drinking water won’t necessarily make you ill. Not all strains are harmful, and some are even beneficial. However, it’s always best to be safe, especially in the current conditions, when getting stricken with any illness could further complicate an already difficult situation.
So how do you get rid of bacteria in your water? There are a number of ways that are proven to be effective. Some of these include:
- Boiling your water for at least one minute. This, however, often produces water that has a flat, unpleasant taste.
- Disinfecting your water with iodine or chlorine, although these chemicals are not easily available and you might not want to introduce any other elements to your water.
- Distilling your water to remove all the impurities. Note that this will take plenty of time and many added tools that you might not have with you.

Water Filters: The Easiest Alternative to Clean Drinking Water
Of all the plausible ways you can make your water safe to drink, the use of a water filter is perhaps the most practical option. These can be easily fitted into any water dispenser, pitcher, and even jugs for your personal consumption. They are also highly effective in removing bacteria without affecting the taste of the final product.
A filter can also be used to purify large volumes of water at once, which means you can ensure that your entire household’s hydration needs are easily met. They won’t require any electricity or extra tools, either. Overall, this method of making clean drinking water is cheap, efficient, and highly effective.

If you’re interested in purchasing a water filter for you and your family, we recommend an assortment of different products that can be used in specific situations. You may want to purchase individual water filter jugs for each member of your household. That way, you’re able to ensure clean water that doesn’t have to be shared between different people.
If you’d like to purchase an alkaline water filter or a water filter jug, visit our store today. We sell a wide assortment of products to customers in Australia, and we’d be happy to help you guarantee your own health as well as that of your family.