Besides drinking water from a glass, hydration can come from other sources, like watermelons, cucumbers, and other fruits with high water content. With this many sources to get water, it's surprising how many people can forget to keep themselves hydrated. It's important to note that caffeinated products such as coffees and sodas don't work as well in replenishing your body's fluids. In fact, these beverages, along with alcohol, can further dehydrate you. These put you at a higher risk of dehydration more than not drinking water at all.

The dangers of not drinking enough water
Water is a basic requirement for human survival, together with food, clothing, and shelter. However, it's common for many people to become too distracted to replenish the amount of water they have in their bodies. Office responsibilities, stress and other distractions can cause you to let go of your drinking habits. The threat of dehydration is a condition that you shouldn't underestimate since it can have considerable adverse effects on your body.
In this article, we will share three dangerous consequences of not drinking enough water daily.

1. Brings down your energy levels
Dehydration causes your body's energy levels to go down. This is because water keeps your mind alert and body with enough liquids to replenish your energy reserves. Remember that 60% of the human body contains water, which is what the body needs to fuel your different cells.
It's a common misconception that you can only experience dehydration if you don't drink water after a rigorous workout. You can be dehydrated even if you stay in the office all day but forget to take your daily glasses of water. Remember to drink water frequently and to drink extra than the recommended eight glasses if it's an especially humid or hot day.

2. Disrupts your metabolism
You can confuse thirst with hunger if you have a problem with maintaining eating habits. Sometimes, all you need is a glass of water instead of taking in a few hundred calories of sugar from junk food. Doing so allows you to become fuller while eating less so that you won't run the risk of overeating.
The opposite effect can also be true if you don't drink enough water. Slower metabolism forces your body to stay full even though your body wants to signal you to eat. A study from The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism reveals that 17 ounces of water can increase your metabolism rates to over 30%. This gives your body a healthy dose of weight loss by removing excess fats.

3. Increases risk of stroke
Besides being instrumental in circulatory and digestive systems, water is also crucial to keep your heart safe and free from the risk of stroke. A study in the BMC Cardiovascular Disorders reveals that not drinking enough water can be a high contributor to experiencing a stroke. It increases the vulnerability of your heart and prolongs the recovery time post-stroke. If you notice yellowing from your pee, it's a sign that you need to drink water to replenish your body's fuel immediately.

With the potentially dangerous consequences above, you should become more concerned the next time you catch yourself not drinking enough water. It may be helpful to keep a physical or digital tracker of how many times you've already drunk water throughout the day. Keeping a handy tracker together with a water jug with you at all times will let you stay hydrated and free from dehydration.
Ecobud is an Australia-based conmpany that sells products that promote a healthier lifestyle with clean and proper hydration. We have a wide selection of products, such as glass water filter jugs and eco-friendly reusable water bottles, for your drinking needs. Browse through our products online today to find the perfect hydration companion!