Staying hydrated is an essential part of a good health routine. Staying in the habit of drinking six to eight glasses of water throughout the day is the key to keeping a good balance of body fluids, having healthy digestion, and maintaining correct body temperature. While this is rudimentary knowledge, there are mixed sentiments about drinking water before bed.
Should we have a drink of water before going to sleep, or is it a bad idea? If you are wondering the same thing, this article has the answers you need! Read on to find out if it is yay or nay to having a glass of water before sleeping at night.

Having a Drink of Water Before Bed: Is It a Good Idea?
It has been a question asked by many: Is drinking water before your nightly sleep a good or bad habit? Some pros and cons accompany this habit, and we will delve into both the positive and negative sides of this question to help you decide if it is a good idea or not.

Why You Probably Shouldn’t Drink Water Right Before Bed?
Having a glass of water right before you turn off the light and go to sleep is not the best idea. The reason behind this logic is that if you drink before bed, you will likely need to get up in the middle of the night to use the toilet. This may lead to sleep deprivation which can have all kinds of health issues.

Drink Enough Water Throughout the Day
The best way to stay hydrated and get enough water is to drink six to eight glasses of water and spread this amount throughout the day. Instead of consuming a considerable amount of water before bed, you should take in your fluids incrementally.
Best Practices to Stay Hydrated
Here are the best practices for staying hydrated!

1. Drink Water with Every Meal
Have a glass of water (or more) when you sit down for a meal. Drink water to help bring the food down and to aid in proper digestion. Having a glass of water after the meal will also help you stay full until the next meal.

2. Hydrate Before and After Exercise
Since body fluids will be excreted through sweat during exercise, it is good to drink water before, during, and after your workout session.

3. Drink Water When You Feel Hungry
Lastly, it is a good idea to drink water when you feel hungry. This is especially true for sudden pangs of hunger that you get that are not during the regular mealtimes. Sometimes thirst may be mistaken for hunger, so it is best to drink when you feel hungry!

To sum this whole blog post up, it is probably better to drink your fill of water throughout the day instead of right before bedtime. This will help your body with its natural processes and ensure that you will sleep through the night without needing to wake up to urinate. Your best bet is to use a good water bottle and keep it close to you during the day to ensure that you can stay hydrated as you do your daily tasks.
Should you be in need of a good quality water bottle, Ecobud has you covered! We mainly focus on healthy and environmentally stable products that help you stay hydrated! Buy an eco-friendly bottle from us today!