Purchasing a water filtration device for drinking water might be an excessive expense for many families in Australia. With tap water marketed to be potable and viable for drinking — and bottled water available for purchase anywhere — filtering your water may seem like an unnecessary and time-consuming task.
Although not immediately noticed, filtered water, as compared to tap and bottled water, is clearly much better, healthier, and cost-efficient than either. Buying a water filtration device for your home is an investment for your family’s health and is a highly recommended alternative to bottled water.
Here are four major reasons why using a water filtration device for your home’s drinking water is the lifestyle change you can make this year.

1. Because Tap Water Isn’t as Clean
Australian homes boast a steady supply of clean, potable tap water running through their faucets. Water services treat water supplies before having it go through the waterways to your home, so for the most part, it should be safe.
While this is the general sentiment many people share, it’s a long way from the source to your home — which means that contaminants could be lurking between here and your faucet. Furthermore, treating your water involves some amount of chlorine, which many would argue isn’t healthy in larger amounts. Through the use of water filters, your tap water is assured 100% clean and safe for consumption.

2. Because It Tastes Better
A regular water drinker would testify that not all water tastes the same — because they really don’t! Different water suppliers would use different filtration, distillation, and treatment methods to make your water potable, and these inevitably affect the taste.
Many would argue this to be a non-issue, but clean filtered water isn’t only easier to swallow — it’s intensely refreshing. With water filtration jugs, you can also refrigerate the drinks in order to regulate the temperature, which many would attest also affects the taste.

3. Because It Generates Savings
Many people would prefer drinking bottled water over tap water, not only for the assurance of cleanliness, but also for the “clean taste.” This is, as most would know, an insanely costly practice. Adding bottled water to your monthly expenditure is an incredible expense over your already high utility bill.
Using water filters, however, could provide that same assurance of cleanliness and high-quality taste, but still remain within an affordable range. Understandably, a water filtration jug is more expensive than a bottle of water; but a simple computation of the number of bottles you have to purchase each month would show an increase in saving through water filtration.

4. Because It Helps the Environment
Bottled water isn’t only expensive, it produces non-biodegradable waste. Although PET bottles are recyclable, the energy consumed is still costly as compared to simply using a water filter. By going with the cheaper alternative of water filtration, you can cut down on recycling costs and reduce the carbon footprint it would require to transport all the plastic bottles to the recycling factory.

The Bottom Line
Purchasing a water filter for your home’s drinking water is an incredible investment. Not only will you enjoy the benefits of clean and good-tasting water, but you will also be helping the environment.
Are you looking for a water filter jug for home use? Our water filter products are known to be one of the best in the market. We offer free delivery Australia wide. Get in touch with us today and see all our eco-friendly and health-centric products.