Water, in its purest form, should have a pH level of 7. It falls right in the middle of the pH scale. However, various factors may affect the pH level of water. For example, certain minerals in water can alter its pH, and the same is true if specific particles are present.
Most water has a pH level between 6.5 and 8.5. However, going for water on the higher end of the spectrum (aka alkaline water) may come with unique advantages that you might want to consider. This article will go over what you need to know to better understand pH levels in water and how this can affect your health.

Alkaline and Acid
Why does the body need alkaline? And how does it benefit from acids? The human body needs both of these to function properly. It needs acids to break down fat for proper digestion and respiration. At the same time, it needs alkaline to help blood cells fight infections and neutralise excess acids.
The human body needs both alkalis and acids to maintain internal organs and stay healthy. There must be a balance between the two for proper oxygen distribution throughout the body.

What Is Alkaline Water?
Water with alkaline content has become something of a health trend in recent years. Many people think that tap water is drinkable alkaline water, but many health hazards may come with drinking water straight from the tap. For example, rust, chlorine, or other harmful chemicals may be present.
On the other hand, alkaline water has many health benefits without unnecessary risk. It is advisable to drink alkaline water to balance out the acid levels in the body.
Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water
There are many products that help purify water and help it retain its alkalinity. For example, our water filter jugs and bottles help your water stay alkaline for longer periods of time, allowing you to take better advantage of the benefits.
There are many benefits of drinking alkaline water. Here are a few of the most common benefits that a person may experience.

1. Balanced pH levels
A person may be able to achieve balanced pH levels in their body because of alkaline water. This all starts with having a healthy pH level in the blood. Blood that is slightly alkaline will be better able to distribute oxygen to the different parts of the body and fight off disease. Also, the body will be able to get rid of waste more easily.

2. Good Oral Health
Alkaline water will promote better oral health. The alkaline level of the water reduces bad bacteria in the mouth and helps prevent plaque.

3. Better Hydration
If the balance between alkalinity and acidity is lost in a person's body, they risk not getting enough hydration to function properly. Dehydration can become a real problem if it goes untreated, but alkaline water may help prevent it.

Keeping your body in a balanced state of alkalinity and acidity will keep your organs working properly and maintain an optimal level of health. If you want to take good care of your body, start drinking alkaline water today!
Ecobud's health-conscious and environmentally-friendly products are sure to help you maintain a good pH balance in your body. Our goal is to provide quality products that benefit your health and the environment. Visit our website today to get a high-quality alkaline water jug for yourself!