Water has an immense effect on a person’s overall wellbeing, particularly with the immune system. As such, drinking water has become an important part of the average person’s day to day life.
Tap water is used for a variety of uses, from washing dishes to laundry to satisfying thirst. While tap water can be a convenient source, it varies widely between alkaline and acidic levels depending on where it is from and how it is treated. In addition, exposure to dust, air pollutants, industrial waste can cause tap water to lose alkalinity!
With that said, it’s best to be cautious and utilise alkaline water filters to produce drinking water so that you and your family stay safe.

Alkaline water
Not all water is the same. To get the most out of every sip, it needs to be processed and optimised with water ionisers. Alkaline water has increased oxygen levels and a pH level that is higher than 7 — which leaves you more hydrated than regular water, especially after a tough workout!
Alkaline water also has a higher pH rating, which means that it is less acidic than tap water. It can slow the aging process, promote kidney health, and regulate your body’s pH levels.
Theoretically, it’s possible for a person’s body to have too much alkaline. However, with modern lifestyles exposing everyone to unhealthy food, stress, and pollutants on a regular basis, people’s bodies now generate increased levels of acid — which is undoubtedly unhealthy for everyone. As such, it’s best to offset this with a regular detox of filtered alkaline water!
If you’re still unconvinced, here are some reasons why you need to integrate alkaline water to your lifestyle:

Flushes out toxins and free radicals
Water encourages your adaptive immune response by preventing the build of toxins. It allows for a steady flow of toxic materials through the body into the kidneys, which in turn, boosts immune function.
If you feel like you need an extra detox boost, it is strongly suggested to brew a strong cup of a hot tea or some lemon water to further stimulate the process. The benefits of hot tea depending on the type of tea leaves used. Overall, however, it does enhance the body’s immune response and supports your cardiovascular and musculoskeletal health. It is also rich in antioxidants, which rid the body of cancer-causing free radicals!
Lemon water is a good source of Vitamin C and helps prevent sickness. It aids in digestion and fights the bacteria, viruses, and fungi that cause cold, flu, and other infections.

Pumps oxygen around the body
One glass of water is enough to leave you feeling refreshed. This is because when ingested, water helps carry oxygen throughout the body. The oxygen, in turn, improves the performance of your organs, tissues, and blood cells.
Overall, your bodily functions are encouraged to operate at a better capacity. This is especially true when you have just gotten out of bed or when you are feeling sick.

Promotes good sleep and rest
Sometimes, all you need for a good night’s rest is proper body hydration. If you drink water regularly, the brain has more power to naturally produce melatonin and other sleep-inducing chemicals. As a result, you have more uninterrupted sleep, and you wake up feeling recharged in the morning.

It’s easy to overlook the importance of the quality of your water source in your life — after all, you see and use it multiple times every day. However, there are definitely benefits to switching to alkaline water in the long term. You may find yourself feeling more refreshed and energised after every sip — which is undoubtedly one strong reason to switch over to it!
Are you looking for a reliable alkaline water jug to boost you and your family’s immune system through clean, filtered water? Ecobud is an Australian-based company that focuses on selling water filter products. Beyond this, we also have an extensive list of blogs that help promote environmental awareness and healthy living. Connect with us today to find the product that best suits your needs!