Everyone has heard the everyday tip of staying hydrated by drinking eight glasses of water a day. However, not everyone is aware of the consequences of failing to reach this goal. Although humans are mostly made of water, what exactly will happen when you don’t receive proper hydration? Read on to discover how hydration affects the different facets of your life.

Water as the Life Force in Your Body
Drinking water is an everyday act that some people take for granted. However, it’s as important as breathing if you want to maintain a healthy body. Your entire physiology is dependent on several processes that use fluids, whether it’s blood, sweat, or even urine. For this reason, you cannot undermine the importance of healthy hydration. Otherwise, your body could suffer the consequences.
In this article, we’ll share three ways hydration affects your body’s biological processes.

1. Hydration Goals Vary From Person to Person
While everyone knows about the universal idea of drinking eight glasses a day, different people will need varying levels of hydration. This is because everyone has a unique biological framework, making their needs for sustenance and hydration unique from others. One differentiating factor is the frequency of physical activity and the diet a person has.
It’s more realistic to recommend 15 cups of fluid for men and around 11 cups of fluid for women. However, these numbers only account for the natural biological differences of men and women, not the other variables like diet, environmental conditions, and physical engagement.

2. Hydration Affects Your Vulnerability to Respiratory Illnesses
The human body powers plenty of processes that involve water or fluids. Anything from sweating to urinating will affect your fluid levels, leading to adverse effects on your body. This is a crucial variable to consider when your body is experiencing severe symptoms and illnesses.
Vomiting, diarrhoea, or increased sweating all involve fluid excretion. Because of this, it’s necessary to have enough water reserves if you’ll need to replenish your fluid levels. In addition, because of the threat of COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlight the value of staying hydrated. Since COVID-19 compromises a person’s respiratory system, you need to drink more water to improve your recovery rate.

3. Hydration Can Sometimes Solve Hunger Pangs
It’s common for people following certain diets to experience increased hunger pangs, especially when committing to a new meal plan. However, not all these pains indicate a need to eat. Your brain can misconstrue these signals as a need to receive immediate nourishment. However, drinking water can also alleviate this pain. If you’re carefully following your diet regimen, you shouldn’t feel like you’re starving yourself.
Additionally, drinking water before eating your meals can make you more full. This can help you lose weight faster by significantly reducing your appetite and, therefore, your calorie intake.

People often take for granted the simple act of drinking water. Even in their own homes, people forget to take the appropriate amount of glasses a day to stay hydrated. If you want to avoid any complications due to dehydration mentioned above, you must take proactive steps to be a better water drinker. One way to maintain your water intake is by having a handy water jug to bring in and out of your home.
Ecobud is an Australia-based manufacturer that sells eco-friendly products that promote a healthier lifestyle through clean and proper hydration. Our most popular products include our glass water filter jugs and eco-friendly, stainless steel reusable water bottles and cups. Be more mindful about your hydration by buying our products today!