In the past few years, you may have heard about the various claims about how alkaline water is good for you. Some people even say that it has the ability to slow the body's ageing process, among other supposed health benefits. Alkaline water filters are now being used by many. But what exactly is alkaline water, and how does it affect the body? Let's find out through this guide.

What is Alkaline Water?
Alkaline water is simply water with a pH level of 8.5 or higher. Water that has a pH level of 7 is considered neutral, whereas water with a pH level of less than 7 is acidic. For example, if you make a glass of orange juice with a pH level of 4.5, it would be considered a sour drink. The reverse is true, too - water with a pH level of 8.5 would be regarded as an alkaline drink.

What are the Benefits of Alkaline Water?
There have been many studies that suggest that alkaline water could be good for you. In fact, in 2011, a study on the alkaline diet revealed many possibilities that alkaline water does have the potential to cause positive health effects.
Drinking alkaline water may be beneficial as it may aid digestion and improve metabolism. Since water with alkaline levels is easy to break down, there's a chance that it may also promote the breakdown of food particles in the body. When you have a healthier breakdown of food particles, this may lead to a healthier and more efficient metabolism. In turn, this may help you to lose weight faster.
There are also claims that alkaline water has anti-ageing effects. One of the major benefits of being alkaline is that it may help you to resist the effects of free radicals. When free radicals are present in the body, it may lead to premature ageing and even cancer.

How Do Alkaline Water Filters Work?
To achieve the alkaline water level that you want, you may need to use an alkaline water filter or a combination of filters. This is because you need to add some minerals in order for the water to have a higher pH level.

Alkaline water may be beneficial for you even if its benefits are still being studied. As such, it's important that you take care of your body by giving it something that is good for it. Alkaline water may be something that your body can benefit from, so you may want to try it soon.
If you're interested in trying out alkaline water and experiencing its benefits, ecobud® has the solution for you. Our brand creates environmentally friendly products like alkaline water filter jugs, purification systems, and reusable water bottles designed to help you improve your overall health. Visit our store page to shop for our products today!