The popularity of alkaline water is on the rise at the moment, and celebrities and health experts have been sharing its advantages over filtered or tap water. Aside from health benefits, it also aids with conditions like acid reflux and high blood pressure by cleansing your body over time.
You will need to consume alkaline water regularly to reap its full benefits. Now, the question most people ask is, how much alkaline water should you drink a day?
Keep reading to find out the answer.

Regular Water Drinkers
Generally, drinking at least eight glasses of water a day keeps us hydrated, improves our health, and washes out the pollutants we consume every day.
If you manage to meet this daily goal, replace your filtered or tap water with alkaline water. In fact, we recommend drinking eight to twelve glasses every day to get the most out of it.
However, you must not make a drastic shift right away. Gradually include alkaline water into your diet by mixing it with regular water as your body adjusts to the variations in pH levels.

Water Drinkers Who Want to Increase Their Intake
For people who do not necessarily meet the daily requirement but want to drink more water, it is better to start slowly since you are not used to drinking that much. Start with three to four glasses of water and progressively increase your intake. It can reduce any headaches, muscle pains, and other symptoms you may experience while switching to alkaline water.
Keep in mind that not everyone has these side effects, but do not be alarmed if you do. This is a good indicator that the alkaline water is working on getting rid of the toxins that have built up deep within your muscles. Any symptoms will go away once your body has adjusted to the lower amounts of acid.

The Best Times to Drink Alkaline Water
Your body will be ready for the rest of the day if you start it with a glass of alkaline water. Keep a bottle by your bedside so you can drink it first thing in the morning.
In addition, we recommend rehydrating with alkaline water to slow down the process of fluid loss after a vigorous workout. Before, during, and after your exercise are the best times to drink.
As a precaution, it is actually better to consume a reasonable amount about 30 to 60 minutes before eating to aid in digestion and to only drink a small amount while having your meals.

Because of its rising popularity, alkaline water has become more available in different stores nationwide.
Remember our tips above, so you get the full benefits of alkaline water. However, it must be emphasised that you should try to be mindful of your body and not force sudden changes into it. These can include the consumption of alkaline water. Ignoring signs in your body will waste the money you spend on alkaline water and result in possibly harmful conditions.
If you experience any serious symptoms from drinking alkaline water, it is best that you discontinue your consumption and consult with a medical professional immediately.
Check out Ecobud if you need an alkaline water filter in Australia. We are a company that focuses on health and environments. Find a stockist through our website today!