We often disregard dehydration as a significant threat to our bodies. As a matter of fact, we mostly brush it off as a minor condition that can be easily cured by drinking a few glasses of water. While that may have been the case in the past, the number of dehydration cases have begun to rise at an alarming rate in recent years, much so that everyone is now aware of it and its many diminishing effects on our body.
That being said, if you want to know its symptoms and early signs, you may need to take note of the following red flags below.

1. Fatigue
By all means, this is the most common symptom of dehydration. Other than having to spend more time in the bathroom, you may also begin to feel excessively tired. You just don’t have the same amount of energy that you used to have, and you even feel dehydrated even when you have plenty of water in your system.

2. Dizziness
As the dehydration reaches its advanced stage, you may start to experience dizziness, which is a clear sign that you may have a low amount of water in your blood. Apart from the dizziness, you may also experience light-headedness, as well as general weakness.

3. Reduced Sweating
Apart from the feeling of heat, you may also begin to notice that you don’t sweat as much as you would during normal times. This will make you think you are feeling hot and sweaty, even when you are not.

4. Tingling Sensation
If you can feel a slight tingling sensation in your fingers and toes, then you may be experiencing some form of dehydration. You may also start to experience a light numbness at the back of your eyes, which is another sign that you might be suffering from it.

5. Chills
One of the most common symptoms of dehydration is chills. If you begin to feel cold just a few minutes after coming out of the shower, it may be a clear sign that you need to increase your water intake. Your body is telling you that you are running out of water and need to do something about it.

6. Change in Skin Colour
When you are dehydrated, your body will begin to lose water content that is needed to keep your blood vessels and organs healthy. As a result, you may start to experience a change in skin colour, which will eventually lead to a reduction in your blood pressure as well.

7. Dark Urine
As your body loses water, it will start to retain the salts and minerals that you have already flushed out of your system. With that said, you must take note of your urine colour, as it will start to become dark and even have a strong smell.

8. Confusion and Lethargy
If you begin to feel confused and lethargic, this may be another sign that you are suffering from dehydration. When you are dehydrated, your brain may have trouble functioning properly, and as a result, you may start to feel confused or tired.

If you feel fatigued, confused, or experiencing chills and dizziness, you may suffer from dehydration. It is best to take note of the red flags as described above so that you will be aware of the symptoms and what should be done to treat them. Yes, it can all be mitigated with a regular intake of water, but such a task would require consistency; otherwise, you may end up experiencing them more.
You will be more motivated to drink if your supply of water is within reach. That being said, you may be interested in a few eco-friendly bottles. You may purchase a couple of that and more from our selections here at Ecobud. We offer a wide range of environmental-friendly solutions that will help you get the most out of your drinking water. Check out our online store for more of our high-quality items and their prices.