To be highly porous, activated carbon, also known as charcoal filters, is constructed of small carbon particles. About 4 grams of activated carbon has the surface area of a football field (6400 sqm). Because active carbon filters have a high surface area, they effectively adsorb and essentially eliminate contaminants.
Active carbon filters purify water by adsorbing chemicals. These types of filters remove the following pollutants and other substances:
Chloride (Cl-)
Chloride is a naturally occurring mineral that aids in the maintenance of average blood volume, blood pressure, and bodily fluid pH. Excessive Chloride in water, on the other hand, may produce a salty flavour. Chloride is a naturally occurring component of tap water that has no harmful health consequences. It is a component of the chlorination process used to protect drinking water from dangerous bacteria and viruses. Although it is unnecessary to filter or eliminate it, activated carbon usually lowers Chloride by 50-70%. In extreme instances, chloride levels may rise.
Pesticides are chemicals used to manage pests such as weeds that wind up in groundwater, lakes, rivers, the seas, and occasionally even tap water despite treatment. Chlordane, Chlordecone (CLD/Kepone), Glyphosate (Round-up), Heptachlor, and Lindane are among the 14 most prevalent pesticides evaluated for removal by activated carbon. Nitrate is also included (see below).
Chlorine (Cl)
Most public tap water in Europe and North America is carefully regulated, tested, and certified as safe to drink. However, chlorine is added to make it safe, which may cause it to taste and smell unpleasant. Activated carbon filters are very effective in removing chlorine and other unpleasant tastes and odours. High-quality activated carbon filters may remove up to 95% of free chlorine.
Chlorine should not be confused with Chloride, a mineral formed by the combination of sodium and calcium. When water is filtered using activated carbon, chloride levels may rise somewhat.
Chlorine bi-products
The most frequent worry regarding tap water is by-products (VOCs) from chlorine, such as THMs, possibly carcinogenic. In terms of eliminating these, activated carbon outperforms all other filter technologies. The EPA claims that it eliminates the 32 most frequent chlorine by-products. Total THMs are the most often measured in tap water reports.
Nitrate (NO32-)
Nitrate is an essential chemical for plants. It is high in Nitrogen, which is necessary for plant development. Except at very high doses, Nitrate has no known adverse effects on humans. Excess Nitrate in water, on the other hand, may induce Methemoglobinemia, often known as "blue baby" illness (Lack of oxygen). Nitrate in drinking water is mainly caused by fertilisers, septic systems, and manure storage or spreading activities. Depending on the quality of the filter, activated carbon may decrease Nitrate by 50-70%.
Herbicides, often known as weedkillers, are chemicals used to suppress noxious plants. Activated carbon has been shown to remove 12 of the most commonly used herbicides, including 2,4-D and Atrazine.
Phosphate (PO43-)
Phosphorus is required for plant development. Phosphate is an effective corrosion inhibitor. High Phosphate concentrations have not harmed human health. Public water systems (PWSs) frequently add phosphates to drinking water to prevent lead and copper leaching from pipes and fixtures. High-quality charcoal filters usually remove phosphates in the range of 70-90%.
Lithium (Li+)
Lithium is naturally present in drinking water. Lithium, despite its very low prevalence, is an antidepressant component. It has not been proven to be detrimental to the human body. Continental brine water, geothermal waters, and oil-gas production brine all contain lithium.
Because medications are extensively utilised, drugs and their metabolites enter wastewater regularly. As of now, pharmaceutical concentrations in drinking water are several magnitudes lower than the lowest therapeutic dose. Generic pharmaceutical manufacturing and processing plants, in particular, may discharge medicines into water sources through wastewater. Quality carbon block filters eliminate 95% of pharmaceutical drugs.
Microplastics are the consequence of plastic waste from many sources. For several reasons, determining the exact impact of microplastics on human health is challenging. There are many kinds of plastics available and various chemical additives that may or may not be included.
When plastic trash enters rivers, it does not disintegrate in the same manner that natural materials do. Instead, sun rays, oxygen reactivity, and deterioration from physical factors like waves and sand lead plastic trash to break down into small fragments. The tiniest microplastics found in published reports had a diameter of 2.6 microns.

Wrap Up
Activated carbon is a fantastic material and technique for water filtration that addresses many but not all problems. Make sure that you understand activated carbon's limits and choose a filter based on your particular requirements.
Keep up with your health with our water filter! At Ecobud, we create innovative and eco-friendly products for both home and commercial usage. Check out our website and get your filter system now!