It’s hard to argue against the many health benefits attached to water. Indeed, water is necessary for just about everything the human body does. If you’ve read our article on how alkaline water can do wonders for your skin, then you have an idea of the many health benefits that water can bring to your body. And while skin health is undoubtedly important, many of you will be glad to know that water can also help prevent heart disease. Now, we understand if many of you are a little sceptical about this. To help shed some light on the matter, here’s a brief explainer on the studies that detail how water can help deter serious heart diseases.

How a Lack of Fluids Can Lead to Heart Failure
A study conducted by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute details that individuals that drink fewer fluids are more prone to heart disease. This is because by drinking less fluid, the concentration of serum sodium increases.
The serum sodium level is a measurement of how much sodium is in your body. Essentially, the more hydrated you are, the lower your serum sodium will be.
When you don’t supply your body with enough water, your body will attempt to conserve water, activating processes known to contribute to the development of heart failure.

How Much Water Do You Need to Drink?
While this may seem like a simple question, it’s actually rather difficult to answer. This is because the optimal amount of water varies on a person by person basis. The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is 15.5 cups (3.7 litres) of fluids a day for men and about 11.5 cups (2.7 litres) of fluids a day for women. Be sure to keep this information in mind so that you can ensure that you are always properly hydrated.

What Kind of Water Is the Best?
While tap water will do an adequate job at keeping you hydrated, there are simply better options when it comes to water. Our recommendation would be to go for alkaline water. Alkaline water is water with more oxygen with a pH level higher than 7. Increased oxygen in our blood allows for our body to neutralise excess acid build up in our body before it is stored. Drinking water that’s the right pH level is crucial, as blood requires a slightly alkaline pH level of 7.365 used to fight disease and provide energy to your hard-working internal organs.

Hopefully, this article has helped you better understand how water can help improve your health. As you can see, you’ll want to make sure that you are always sufficiently hydrated as this can drastically affect your health. Remember, aside from getting enough water, you’ll also want to make sure to get the best quality water. Luckily, this shouldn’t be too hard as alkaline water filter jugs make getting access to purified drinking water easier than it has ever been.
Trust ecobud® to help you keep yourself hydrated with our sustainable water bottles. Ecobud specialises in creating environmentally friendly products like alkaline water filter jugs and reusable water bottles designed to help you improve your overall health. Visit our store page to shop for our products today!