Drinking water is non-negotiable; there are no alternatives to it. No matter how nutritious your diet may be or how often you exercise, you will never achieve optimal health without a regular intake of H2O. Humans are mostly made up of water — in fact, most of our bodily functions depend on water to operate properly.
Water is essential to every living organism, especially to humans, since we are constantly losing water on a daily basis. You may chug down a Gentoo Water Filter Jug filled with water, but all that fluid will eventually leave your body through exhaling, sweating, urinating, and defecating. As such, it is your responsibility to maintain the correct water balance by drinking water regularly!

The Consequences of Insufficient Water Intake
You shouldn’t drink water only when you feel thirsty. By the time you feel parched, your body is already dehydrated! Don’t rely on your thirst mechanism to tell you when to drink your water. When you fail to consume the required amount of fluids every day, it will have a negative effect on your body.
Dehydration doesn’t just lead to having chapped lips and a thirsty feeling—you will also experience these side effects and more:

1. Moodiness
When you feel thirsty and exhausted, you may develop a throbbing headache. Besides the persistent headaches, dehydration could also lead to irritability, a bad mood, and mental decline.

2. Constipation
Water keeps your stool soft so that it moves easily through the digestive tract, promoting good digestion and regular bowel movement. When you don’t drink enough water, your body may need to pull water from stool to compensate for fluid loss, which leads to harder and firmer stool.

3. Dull Skin
Even if you try to hide it, everyone will know that you’re dehydrated because it will show on your face! Water hydrates and plumps the skin cells to brighten your skin, and the lack of it leads to dryness, flakiness, fine lines, and overall poor skin health.
No skin care product can replace water — if you want bright, beautiful skin, you need to stay hydrated!

4. Weight Gain
Your body can confuse thirst with hunger, which may cause you to have sudden cravings for sugary foods like chocolate, candies, and cookies to accumulate energy. As a result, you gain weight while still being dehydrated!
If you’re experiencing cravings for sugar or have sudden hunger pangs, drink some water to prevent you from being super-hungry.

5. Dry Mouth
No water means no saliva. If you don’t drink enough water, you’ll have difficulty talking, swallowing and even breathing. A lack of saliva production also causes bacteria to build up on your tongue, teeth, and gums, contributing to bad breath.
Prevent bad breath and a dry mouth by bringing a water filter jug at all times!

Water isn’t just for quenching your thirst — you need to hydrate so that your body can function well! Don’t forget to hydrate by having a water filter jug with you so that you never forget to maintain your body’s water balance. As long as you drink the required amount of fluids, you can live a better and healthier life!
Stay hydrated and healthy while saving the environment with Ecobud! We specialise in the supply of innovative and environmental products for residential and commercial use in Australia. With our water filter jugs and other innovations, we aim to build a genuine connection between your lifestyle and cleaner living. Browse our products today!