Growing up, one of the first things we learn about is the importance of water. This includes drinking lots of it in order to stay healthy.
Roughly 60% of the human body is made up of water. On top of maintaining body hydration, several functions make water a crucial component, such as your body waste being flushed out.
Food plays a tiny part in your daily water intake. Most of it comes from the beverages you drink, whether drinking cold alkaline water or a hot cup of cocoa.
Let's look at some of the reasons why water is downright necessary:

Digestion and absorption of nutrients gets a helpful boost
When you drink water as you enjoy your meal (as well as before and after), the food is broken down far more easily by your body. You'll be able to maximise your meals and digest in a more efficient way. The minerals, nutrients and vitamins you get from food are dissolved too. The water then serves as a vitamin delivery system to various parts of your body.

Drinking water helps your body generate saliva
Saliva is key for you to retain good mouth health and let solid food break down. It has enzymes, electrolytes and mucus in small amounts. For the most part, it is comprised of water. As long as your fluid intake is regular, more than enough will end up being produced by your body.
Over time, however, natural production of saliva in your body can lessen because of ageing. Some medications and certain types of therapy can also affect saliva production. Increasing water intake should generally solve any issues with having a dry mouth that may come up. If that doesn't work, it may be time to seek professional medical advice.

Regularly taking in water will play a key role in preventing illnesses
If you have enough water intake, you can keep yourself from having conditions like asthma induced by exercising, constipation, hypertension and even kidney stones as well as urinary tract infections (UTI).

Your body temperature will be properly regulated
Hydration is crucial to the temperature of your body being well-maintained. When you sweat, whether from being in hot places or engaging in physical activity, there is water loss from your body. Sweat helps the body keep cool to a certain extent. However, your body temperature will continue to rise, and it's key to replace that lost water as soon as you can.
When dehydration starts to set in, you will lose a lot of the plasma and electrolytes in your body. Keep track of just how much you're sweating when you're exercising and doing other activities. When it seems like an unusual amount of sweat, drink more water so that you don't end up dehydrated.

Water is necessary for your body to function properly and for you to live a healthy life. If you experience dry mouth or sweating, drinking more water usually solves this with no problems. Ensure your daily water intake is sufficient, and try to have drinking water with you at all times.
Looking to get a reusable water bottle so you can always have accessible drinking water? Check out Ecobud today! We aim to build a genuine connection between your lifestyle and cleaner living.