We tend to take clean drinking water for granted, but have you ever thought about why drinking clean water is so important and how you can make sure the water you consume is pure? Safe water that comes from the tap and filtered water that is free from contaminants, bacteria, and heavy metals offer incredible health benefits. This guide will highlight the primary benefits of drinking clean water and offer some handy tips to help you increase your water intake and stay hydrated.
5 Reasons Why It is Essential to Drink Clean Water
The average human being could survive for weeks without food, but an absence of water, even for a couple of days, would almost certainly result in death. Water is one of the most plentiful substances on the planet, but it’s also one of the most valuable. Here are 5 reasons why it’s important to drink clean, fresh water.

1. Balancing Your Bodily Fluids
The human body is packed full of organs, soft tissue, and blood vessels, but did you know that water accounts for 60% of your body composition? Water is instrumental in regulating and bringing about a series of vital processes within the body, including blood circulation, absorption of vitamins and minerals, saliva production, digestion and temperature regulation. Water levels are controlled by the pituitary gland, which communicates with the kidneys to determine how much urine is stored and excreted. If your body needs more water, the brain will initiate a reaction that makes you feel thirsty. If you do feel thirsty, the best thing you can do is reach for a glass of water. Generally speaking, experts recommend taking in around 2 litres of water per day. If you’re exercising, or you’re losing fluids through sweat on a hot day, you’ll need to increase your intake to prevent dehydration.
2. Increasing Your Energy Levels
Have you ever thought about why you feel lethargic or sluggish when you’re hungover, or you haven’t had a drink of water for a while and you’re thirsty? Water is not just a thirst-quencher. It also plays a crucial role in providing energy for muscle contraction. If your fluid balance isn’t right, this can cause muscle fatigue and even loss of muscle mass. If you’re dehydrated, and you try and work out, it’s highly likely that you’ll struggle to reach optimum levels of performance. It’s particularly important to keep an eye on your fluid intake if you are exercising or training. When your heart is pumping, and you are sweating buckets, you’re losing fluid, which needs to be replaced. Drink water throughout the workout, and make sure you carry on topping up your fluids afterwards.
3. Nourishing Your Skin
The skin is the largest organ in the body, and it’s vital for protecting you against external threats. The appearance of your skin can tell you a lot about your hydration levels. Your skin is often the first organ to exhibit signs of dehydration and thirst, and it’s really important to make sure you keep an eye on the amount of water you drink to keep your skin nourished. If you are dehydrated, your skin may look dry and flaky. To improve the texture, feel and look of your skin, make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. If you’re keen to ensure the water you drink is clean and free from potentially harmful chemicals, it’s wise to invest in a water filter and look for products that have been processed using environmentally friendly methods. Some people have naturally drier skin than others, and you may need to add a more intense moisturiser to your skincare regime if your skin feels dry. Drinking multiple glasses of water can also help to keep the signs of ageing at bay, so if you want to preserve wrinkle-free skin for as long as possible, start increasing your water intake now.
4. Maintaining Kidney Function
Your kidneys are essentially a pair of filters, which work to remove toxins from your body through urine excretion. To work properly, your kidneys need water. If you’re drinking enough, you should find that you urinate on a regular basis and your urine is a light yellow colour. If you’re dehydrated, your kidneys will store more urine, and when you do go to the toilet, you’ll notice that your urine is darker, and it may also smell more pungent. Severe dehydration can increase the risk of kidney stones, which can develop in one or both kidneys.
5. Keeping You Regular
Water is heavily involved in the digestion process, and it can also help you to maintain regular bowel movements. Constipation, which occurs when you are unable to go to the toilet, often occurs as a result of dehydration. If you’re not taking enough fluids on board, water is extracted from the colon, and this can increase the risk of constipation. Make sure you drink water during the day and keep an eye on your bowel habits. If you notice changes, it’s a good idea to see your doctor.

Accessing Clean, Safe Water
There are sources of pure water all over the earth, but often, we have access to a water supply that has been treated or purified to ensure safe consumption. In many places in the developed world, it’s safe to drink tap water, but it’s very common to use water filters to get rid of harmful bacteria and contaminants. If you’re unsure how safe your water supply is, or you have concerns about chlorine or fluoride, invest in a water filter, and make sure you stay hydrated.

Increasing Your Water Intake
If you’re worried that you don’t drink enough, or you’re looking for simple ways to increase your water intake, here are some tips:
- Carry a reusable bottle or flask around with you
- Fill a large bottle and make sure you get to the bottom by the end of the day
- Take regular breaks at work and have a drink each time
- Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables that have high water content, such as cucumber, celery, apples, and watermelon
Many of us pour a glass of water without paying too much attention to where it has come from, or what kinds of health benefits it offers. Water is the most important substance on earth, and it has an array of essential purposes and uses. If you often find yourself thinking that you don’t drink enough, or you tend to opt for sodas or you live for coffee, now is the time to start increasing your intake of water and enjoying the benefits.