Whether you are into alkaline water or regular water, it is no debate that body hydration is essential. As the human body is 60% water, we need to drink eight 8-ounce (~250 ml) glasses of water daily to ensure proper hydration.
Without proper hydration, the body may struggle to go through normal health processes. This article will run you through some science-based benefits of drinking water.

Improved Physical Performance
Water is one of the essential factors in physical performance, as our muscles require water to function optimally. When we are dehydrated, physical performance is adversely affected.
Water is needed for bodily functions such as temperature control, decreasing fatigue, and controlling your energy levels. Dehydration causes fluid in the muscles to shift to the surrounding areas to try and sustain these bodily functions.
Sports and exercise can also cause you to sweat more and get dehydrated quickly. This is why athletes are required to drink water before participating in sports. Staying hydrated can ensure your best physical performance.

Better Energy Levels and Brain Function
As water is an essential factor in energy, it is no surprise that hydrating can improve energy levels. When your brain lacks water, your body's hormonal system can also be affected as your body will try to produce a hormone called cortisol associated with stress.
This lack of water can impair your mood, memory, and cognitive functions. Other than feeling tired, you may experience feelings of anxiety and confusion.
Water is also needed to turn food into energy. Without it, you can end up with a headache or tiredness. Keeping your water levels at normal levels ensures you have enough energy to get through the day.

Fewer Headaches
We are all familiar with that pounding headache that comes from dehydration. Water helps to keep our brain and body functioning at optimal levels and can prevent headaches.
When our body does not have enough water, it draws water from the brain and focuses it on our other vital functions. Therefore, it can lead to headaches as the brain is deprived of the water it requires.

Less Constipation
Water is needed to break down the foods we eat to be absorbed into the body. Less water in the body means the waste will have a more challenging time passing through the digestive system.
If we are not drinking enough water, the extra waste can get stored in the colon and cause constipation. If you are struggling with constipation, make sure you consume enough water to avoid this issue.

Helping You with Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are common, especially amongst the population who do not drink enough water. When you are dehydrated, your urine contains more concentrated waste products. Therefore, it is harder for the kidneys to filter out the waste products. This can lead to more kidney stones and bladder infections.
The lack of water can also decrease the body's ability to detoxify itself, leading to an oversaturation of waste products in the body. Therefore, it is vital to drink the recommended amount of water daily.

As we can see from the benefits of drinking enough water, this is vital to keep the body healthy. If you are not drinking enough water, you will notice health issues over time.
The best way to make sure you are consuming enough water is to keep a water bottle with you throughout the day. Whether you are into alkaline water or simple and cold water, you can have an insulated water jug with you to keep you hydrated throughout the day.
Are you looking for an insulated water bottle in Australia? Ecobud has a wide range of filter jugs and insulated stainless steel water bottles. Check out our collection today!