Little Penguin Water Filter Replacement Cartridge
Stay refreshed during your hectic day-to-day life. This handy drink bottle will make sure you have a ready supply of life water at all times. Rejuvenating your inner self and improving your general wellbeing is simple and easy.
Enjoy filtered alkaline water instantly from this extraordinary product, at anytime, anywhere; leaving you with a bottle of liquid health.
In today’s rushed lifestyles, many people are constantly on the run. Now with the Little Penguin personal filter drinking bottle, anyone can have filtered alkaline water, no matter where they fill up from.
Little Penguin filter is form by the micro glass fibre through the thermal composite technology. It is a composition of micro glass fibre and cellulose infused with nano-alumina fibres in a non-woven medium that creates an electro-positively charged depth filter media. In today's water purification market, this has unparalleled high efficiency, high capacity and strong flow, each filter can withstand 150 litres of filtration capacity which can handle up to 99.997 of impurities. In addition, Little Penguin cartridges are made of food grade standard compliant material.
The Little Penguin cartridges are designed to solve the most difficult part of water purification. The filtering technology are based on scientific principle of electro-positive charge derived from NASA, it can rapidly and efficiently absorb and isolate impurities and harmful bacteria in water. The maximum degree of filtration up to tens of microns or as small as a few nano-meters. The Little Penguin filter has a rating of 0.2μ, equivalent to a typical micro-porous membrane evaluation criteria, which is a hundred times greater than the ordinary filter membrane function.
Alkaline Glass Water Filter Bottle
The Little Penguin Glass allows you to be healthy everyday by simply refilling your bottle wherever you go. The resilient and safe glass material is infinitely reusable, offering an endless supply of alkaline water which is rich in essential minerals.
The glass bottle is also naturally free of harmful chemicals, and does not hold any plastic odours. Our ergonomic shape allows for easy portability and one-handed operation, and the non-slip, protective sleeve guards against shocks.
1.5L Glass Alkaline Water Filter Jug with 1 x Filter Cartridge included FREE DELIVERY AUSTRALIA WIDE
REVIEWS 5.0 (712)
Filtered, fresh Life Water in your fridge or room temperature every day. Use this fabulous filtration system indoors or outdoors, and stay hydrated with great tasting water without the unwanted extras.
Forget boiling, elaborate filtration systems or the need for electricity. Enjoy purified drinking water quickly anywhere, any time. The Gentoo Glass water filter jug not only alkalises the water, but also eliminates chlorine*, fluoride* and contaminants (ie. heavy metals, PFOS and PFAS) a to minimal level from your water, leaving you with a cup of liquid health.
1.5L Glass Alkaline Water Filter Jug with 1 x Filter Cartridge included FREE DELIVERY AUSTRALIA WIDE LIMITED TIME OFFER!
Filtered, fresh Life Water in your fridge or room temperature every day. Use this fabulous filtration system indoors or outdoors, and get great tasting water without the unwanted extras.
Forget boiling, elaborate filtration systems or the need for electricity. Enjoy purified drinking water with great health benefits quickly anywhere, any time. The Gentoo Glass alkaline water filter jug eliminates chlorine*, fluoride* and contaminants (including heavy metals, PFOS and PFAS) to minimal level from your water, leaving you with a cup of liquid health.